It’s not your fault your plant died

I think some people truly believe they can't keep a plant alive because they have a "black thumb", like it is written into their DNA. However, I believe everyone has the potential to grow with a "green thumb" if they simply learn a few basics.

Let's step back a minute and look at the gardening industry. How many times have you purchased a plant, read the teeny tiny tag and thought, "how hard can it be?" So you give away your money and three weeks later your plant is dead. Of course you are going to think it's all your fault! I want to release you from that guilt right now. Gardening is not difficult, but if you haven’t had any experience, there are some things that are simply not intuitive.

Generations ago, skills like gardening were taught to the younger generation. Over time, the introduction of the supermarket and families with dual income, the lack of leisure time and the convenience of the supermarket, slowly whittled away the population of gardeners. There seems to be a generational gap where people simply missed the boat and we're never exposed to the basics of gardening.

There is hope! Gardening is making a huge comeback, especially with the strike of global pandemic, people have realized what they have been missing. But we have so many resources for learning now. Namely the internet! Anything you want learn more about is on the internet. Unfortunately, if you don't have any basis of understanding, you will quickly find yourself overwhelmed by contradictory information, hacks, home brew solutions and misinformation. How do you sort through all that?

Well, you could jump in head first and begin with trial and error. However, our society thrives on instant gratification. Very few have the stamina to learn by trial and error these days. Introducing, the garden coach! Just like a personal trainer at the gym, a garden coach is a one-on-one instructor to get you started on the right foot. It is our goal to start more people gardening and set them up for success for years to come. And maybe that gardener will teach their children and their children's children.

So stop telling yourself and all your friends that you have a black thumb. It's not your fault that your plants died! It's simply a lack of understanding. Before you waste another dollar on plants, hire a garden coach to teach you the basics, debunk those internet hacks, and ignite that passion for gardening that so many have forgotten. To schedule a coaching session with me - click here!


My own kitchen garden journey


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